The what, the where, but never the how.
Existing as part of the real estate industry is what I like to call the “wealth creation industry”. These are the guys and girls that talk about the next boom suburb, off the plan opportunities or buying, renovating and then flipping for profit. They touch on positive geared property and property with fixed rental guarantees and subsidies. All of these things are great ways to buy an investment, and when planned well, can show great returns.
The problem is that when you go to market to snap them up, they cost too much or they are too competitive at auction. It’s great to know WHAT to buy, and WHERE to buy, but if people spent a little more time on HOW to buy, or negotiate and deal to put it simply, maybe what you bought and where you bought it wouldn’t be so crucial? Investing small amounts in learning how the game is played before playing, beats investing large sums in the game to learn valuable lessons after. And it keeps your costs down too. #negotiate